Afterlife Inc. Volume 4: Man Made God

Afterlife Inc. Volume 4: Man Made God
Man meets god in Volume 4 of Afterlife Inc.
When con-artist Jack Fortune died and discovered an afterlife in chaos, taking over and running it like a business seemed the only logical solution. Now, under Jacks leadership, Afterlife Inc. goes from strength to strength. Quality of death has never been better.
But what right does Jack have to the awesome power at his disposal? And when faced with the return of the archangels, heavens true rulers, can he be trusted to relinquish the throne - and should he?
Man meets god in Afterlife Inc. Volume 4, featuring divine beings, ancient astronauts... and the severed heads of Einstein, Newton and Tesla!?
176 pages
“Filled me with delicious anticipation that was immediately fulfilled and more. Think of it as something along the lines of Warren Ellis Planetary alongside the better bits of Hellblazer.”